Our 2024 Impact

FOCC is proud to support the Mt. Diablo School District C.A.R.E.S Afterschool program by providing scholarships to students in elementary, junior high, and high school to attend Camp Concord each summer. Hear what C.A.R.E.S has to say.
About Us
The mission of Friends of Camp Concord is to:
- Sponsor camperships for underprivileged children and families
- Promote greater awareness and use of Camp Concord
- Establish and carry out projects at camp
- Help fund improvements to the camp facilities
Who We Are
Friends of Camp Concord (FOCC) was established in 1983. FOCC is a nonprofit organization supporting Camp Concord, located in South Lake Tahoe. Friends of Camp Concord is comprised of a Board of Directors (volunteers) and representatives from the City of Concord staff whose efforts directly impact the quality of the facility and programs offered at Camp Concord. The money raised is directly applied to a campership program allowing underprivileged youth, young adults, and families to attend Camp Concord.
What We Do
A one-week session at Camp Concord provides each camper with a caring, well-trained counselor and a unique group living situation. The impact of this experience is an organized resident overnight camp environment. This environment helps youth, and young adults develop their potential by teaching them new skills, encouraging them to take healthy risks, and accepting them as part of a group.
Friends of Camp Concord also fundraise for direct improvements to the facility such as camp equipment, canoes, and facility improvements. Friends of Camp Concord engages in a unique partnership with the City of Concord to continue to provide this award-winning program to youth, young adults, and families throughout the region.

Meet Elija
Every year, Friends of Camp Concord provides scholarships to hundreds of youths. Elija is one of those recipients. Elija is a foster youth who has attended camp four times as a camper and CIT (counselor in training).

Joey Moore Field of Dreams
The Joey Moore whiffle ball field opened in 2022. Joey Moore, a vibrant young boy who loved all sports but mostly baseball, tragically died in an automobile accident in 2001 on his way to camp. Joey’s parents, Joe and Jeri, have supported FOCC and its mission since that tragic day. To honor Joey and his memory, FOCC provided funding to build the whiffle ball field that will be enjoyed by thousands of campers each summer.