Inclusion Statement


Camp Concord and Friends of Camp Concord (FOCC) strives to create a fully inclusive culture and environment that values equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering respect for all people. We are dedicated to creating a place of comfort where campers can be themselves and connect with others.  One of the most meaningful camp experiences is bringing together a diverse community of individuals, including campers and staff from various geographic, socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.

Camp Concord and FOCC recognizes that gender identity exists on a spectrum. The Camp community welcomes all gender identities and prohibits discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy (which includes pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, status as a protected veteran or service in the uniformed services (as defined by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 [USERRA]), as well as state military and naval service.  Accordingly, we have updated our policies to support and respect all campers and staff, including transgender, non-binary, or nonconforming individuals.

Inclusion Policy

Camp Concord and FOCC provides a learning environment that lives, works, and plays together in an outdoor nature-based community. We work hard to provide sensitivity training to staff during the summer and establish this inclusion policy to prevent discrimination, bullying, and harassment. We recognize that diversity of backgrounds, races, cultures, ethnicities, religious beliefs, ideas, abilities, and sexual orientations challenges us. It also builds strength, confidence, and acceptance that Camp staff and participants can translate into the world.

Camp Concord and FOCC provides safe opportunities for healthy growth and development of the entire camp community. We work at having a positive impact on each individual who comes to camp. Camp Concord and FOCC is committed to working with individuals to ensure the greatest amount of inclusion that is reasonably possible within our facility and resource limitations. We believe that inclusion is a value best learned in childhood, and it is our responsibility to provide a supportive environment in which that learning can occur.

Inclusion Statement

Camp Concord and youth programs led by FOCC are for individuals of any race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy (which includes pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, status as a protected veteran or service in the uniformed services (as defined by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 [USERRA]), as well as state military and naval service.

Inclusive Camper Housing Policy

Youth campers and their parents will choose a cabin that will make campers feel most comfortable.

When registering, all campers will opt into a female or male cabin that fits their gender identity or a gender-inclusive “ally cabin.”

Ally cabins are open to all campers regardless of gender. The purpose of an ally cabin is to allow those campers that are transgender, non-binary, or nonconforming to be in a cabin with campers that are supportive and inclusive.  If a camper opts into an “ally cabin,” that means the camper and their parents are comfortable with the camper staying in a gender-inclusive cabin. These cabins are fully inclusive of transgender, non-binary, nonconforming, and binary youth participants. The ally cabins will have two inclusive staff members, which may be transgender, non-binary, or non-conforming, and binary individuals.

If your camper chooses a female cabin, they will be assigned to a cabin with individuals that feel most comfortable in a female-identifying cabin. Staff for the female cabins will be female-identifying staff.

If your camper chooses a male cabin, they will be assigned to a cabin with individuals that feel most comfortable in a male-identifying cabin. Staff for the male cabins will be male-identifying staff.

Discrimination/Harassment Policy

Camp Concord and FOCC does not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy (which includes pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, status as a protected veteran or service in the uniformed services (as defined by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 [USERRA]), as well as state military and naval service.

Camp Concord and FOCC policy prohibits retaliation against any employee or person in any of its programs or activities for bringing a complaint of discrimination or harassment. Camp Concord and FOCC policy also prohibits retaliation against a person who assists someone with a complaint of discrimination or harassment or participates in any manner in an investigation or resolution of a complaint of discrimination or harassment. Retaliation includes threats, intimidation, reprisals, and/or adverse actions related to any of its programs or activities.


Why does Camp Concord and FOCC need a policy about inclusion?

Our primary objective is to provide an excellent summer experience for all campers. Camp Concord and FOCC is committed to working with campers and families to ensure the greatest inclusion that is reasonably possible within facility and resource limitations. We have established policies for inclusion that promote our core values through education and a commitment to be a fully open and supportive community, championing values of equality and respect. Camp Concord and FOCC continues to provide opportunities for our entire camp community’s healthy growth and development. We ask that everyone at Camp Concord and part of the FOCC programs respects all individual’s gender identities and pronouns while at Camp.

What does transgender, non-binary, or nonconforming mean?

For most people, their gender identity matches their assigned sex at birth. For transgender and non-binary people, that is not the case. The CDC describes transgender as an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity or expression (masculine, feminine, other) is different from their sex (male, female) at birth. Non-Binary is also an umbrella term encompassing nonconforming individuals, including gender-fluid, androgynous, and pangender. California’s Gender Recognition Act (SB 179), signed into law on October 15, 2017, officially recognized non-binary as a gender along with male and female genders.   

Is it required for a parent/guardian to disclose to Camp Concord and/or FOCC upon registration that their child is transgender, non-binary, or nonconforming?

Parents/guardians are not required to inform Camp Concord or FOCC that their child is transgender, non-binary, or nonconforming. If parents are comfortable indicating that their camper is transgender, non-binary, or nonconforming, you may do so during the registration process. This information is kept confidential to staff on the camp. Being aware of transgender, non-binary, or nonconforming campers will allow our team to more fully support all campers and make sure they are assigned to a cabin that makes them most comfortable.

Which bathrooms do campers use?

The Camp offers two options for bathrooms: traditional gender-labeled bathrooms and single-occupant bathrooms. Campers may use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender with which they identify. All single-occupant bathrooms at the camp facility will be designated as “Gender-Neutral” or all genders, and available for use by any person, regardless of the gender with which they identify. If a camper is not comfortable using the gender-labeled restrooms, staff will seek ways to find an option that makes the individual feel comfortable. All available options shall be presented in an unbiased manner. Our team will work with each individual to identify the individual’s desired outcome.

How are campers housed at Camp Concord?

Generally, camps have binary gendered sleeping areas. At Camp Concord, campers sleep in cabins according to the gender each individual identifies or in a gender-neutral “ally cabin.” There is no “one-size-fits-all” housing policy for transgender, non-binary, or nonconforming youth. Due to the limitations of our facility, it will be vitally important to openly communicate with parents and campers about their camper’s needs and desires to create the best solution. Some transgender or non-binary or nonconforming youth may feel more comfortable being housed in a cabin with other campers whose gender corresponds to the gender with which they identify. Others may prefer to be lodged with campers of their biological sex or in a gender-neutral “ally cabin.” Ally cabins are open to campers regardless of gender. Camp Concord and FOCC staff will work with the campers to create reasonable accommodations that best suit everyone. If parents or campers express discomfort with a cabin assignment, the camp staff will discuss additional housing options available at our facility.

How does Camp address privacy when changing clothes, showering, and swimwear?

For the most part, campers are pretty modest and have been changing in private, in a bathroom stall, or shower for many years. We expect campers to be respectful of others and modest in the cabin setting. Counselors shall set examples of appropriate behavior for privacy within the cabin. Showers have stalls and doors or curtains for privacy. All camp showers are equipped with changing areas for undressing/dressing. Our swimwear policy allows campers to be comfortable while covering private areas. Campers may also elect to wear clothing over their swimsuit if they choose.

Will Camp Concord or FOCC inform parents of campers if their children are assigned to a cabin with a transgender or non-binary camper?

Under state law, information about a camper’s medical record (including a camper’s gender identity) is confidential and must be kept private and secure, except in limited circumstances. Further, California law protects the right of all people, including transgender people, to access the sex-segregated facilities most consistent with their gender identity, as long as the individual is not engaged in any improper or unlawful conduct. All campers are supervised in each cabin area. Unless permission is received from the camper and parents or guardian, information related to the camper’s gender identity will remain confidential. It will only be shared with specific camp personnel as appropriate and necessary.

Which Camp staff will be made aware of a transgender camper?

Neither Camp Concord staff nor FOCC staff will not discuss the gender of a camper in any situation where it is not required, pertinent, or appropriate to do so. This information will remain confidential, as would specific medical information for any camper or staff member. The Camp Director and/or the Youth Camp Coordinator will review all camper information with the camp Nurse. This team will decide if any camper information needs to be provided to additional staff members for a camper’s physical or emotional safety.

How do these policies relate to summer staff?

This policy applies to both Campers and Staff. We fill staff openings and assign staff lodging and counseling responsibilities based on the gender identity of staff applicants.

How will Camp staff be informed of this policy and be prepared to welcome a transgender or non-binary camper?

Staff training will include our policies and discussions regarding our rationale. Our staff training focuses on providing all staff and campers with an emotionally and physically safe environment.

Updated February 24, 2022.